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How is the Shofar Blown? What sounds does the Shofar make?

The sounds of the Shofar are Called Tekiyos. 

Teruah is the first Tekiyah and made up of 9 shorf blasts. 

Shevarim is the second Tekiyah and it’s made up of 3 little bit longer blasts. 

The Third blast is called Tekiyah and the Tekiyah is one long blast. The Tekiyah Gedolah/Great is one very long blast. 

The Shofar Order of Blowing is as follows:

Tekiyah (1) – Shevarim (3)  – Teruah (9) – Tekiyah (1)

Tekiyah (1) – Shevarim (3)  – Teruah (9) – Tekiyah (1)

Tekiyah (1) – Shevarim (3)  – Teruah (9) – Tekiyah (1)

Tekiyah (1) – Shevarim (3)  – Tekiyah (1)

Tekiyah (1) – Shevarim (3)  – Tekiyah (1)

Tekiyah (1) – Shevarim (3)  – Tekiyah (1)

Tekiyah (1) – Teruah (9) – Tekiyah (1)

Tekiyah (1) – Teruah (9) – Tekiyah (1)

Tekiyah (1) – Teruah (9) – Tekiyah Gedolah/Great (1+)

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